Sea Vegetable has succeeded in crossing seaweed and fermentation to create seaweed kombucha
Sea Vegetable Company, a startup culturing seaweed in Aki, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, has announced the launch of Re-seaweed brand and will release its product “Aonori Shoyu” (seaweed sauce) on March 20 simultaneously in Japan and overseas.
Re-seaweed is the brand name of a totally new taste experience developed by Sea Vegetable, using seaweed as the key ingredient. The initial product lineup includes seaweed kombucha, a non-alcoholic beverage, and fermented seaweed seasonings.
Seaweed is in drastic decline in the marine ecosystem. Sea Vegetable aims to arrest that decline while working alongside chefs in Japan and abroad to build a new appreciation of seaweed as a food component.
Seaweed is best known in just two forms: nori and kombu (sea kelp). And yet, there are thought to be up to 20,000 different species of seaweed in the world’s oceans. For a long time, knowledge of the edible potential of seaweed has been lacking.