Policy and Regulatory

Philippine’s local food producers urge to put up digital agri-food database

Easy access to crucial information will guide poultry farm managers in setting production targets that accurately reflect prevailing consumer demand Philippine’s local food producers have urged the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) to establish in 2024 a long-delayed agricultural statistics database that will be available to all stakeholders online.[Read More…]

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Vietnam and IRRI sign a MoU to enhance research in rice cultivation

The Memorandum of Understanding aims to strengthen and further promote collaboration in research, development, capacity building, and dissemination of innovative rice technologies Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to coordinate scientific, technical, and institutional efforts within the[Read More…]

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Australian fisheries and aquaculture thrive in 2022

In 2021-22, Australians consumed around 350,000 tonnes of seafood in 2021-22, equivalent to 13.8 kilograms per person Aquaculture has had another successful year within the Australian seafood industry, according to the latest edition of ABARES Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics. ​ David Galeano, Acting ABARES Executive Director said the gross[Read More…]

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FAO launches global roadmap process to eradicate hunger within 1.5°C limits

The roadmap envisions transforming agrifood systems from a net emitter to a carbon sink The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) initiated the process for the development of a groundbreaking global roadmap aimed at eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition without exceeding the 1.5°C threshold set by the Paris Agreement. Unveiled[Read More…]

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Australia releases report for inquiry into food security

The Committee has made 35 recommendations to address food security in Australia The Australian Parliament’s Agriculture Committee has released its report for its inquiry into food security in Australia. The inquiry examined ways to strengthen and safeguard Australia’s food security, focussing on production, supply chains and key inputs, as well as climate change,[Read More…]

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