Company News

Source: Pixabay

PwC Hong Kong signs agreement with Vitargent for food safety

Vitargent is an award-winning biotechnology company specialising in product safety testing with its pioneering fish-embryo based toxicity testing technology. Backed by 10+ institutional investors and with input from its Scientific Advisory Board comprising experts from across the globe, Vitargent’s technology is serving 50+ leading companies and organisations including governments, research[Read More…]

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Anita Neville

New GAR video series of the palm oil sector released

Improved nutrition, land stewardship, and community support are essential components of Golden Agri-Resources’ business  Singapore – Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) has today unveiled the first in a series of new videos presenting inspiring stories of the people at the heart of the sustainability transformation underway in the palm oil industry in Indonesia.[Read More…]

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