The BOOST Glucose Control Daily Support and Mealtime Support supplements complement the brand’s current BOOST Glucose Control nutritional drink
BOOST, a leading nutritional supplement beverage brand unveiled two new products in its Glucose Control product line – BOOST Glucose Control Daily Support and BOOST Glucose Control Mealtime Support dietary supplements. The BOOST Glucose Control Daily Support and Mealtime Support supplements complement the brand’s current BOOST Glucose Control nutritional drink which is clinically shown to produce a lower blood sugar response versus a standard nutritional drink in adults with type 2 diabetes.
“As a registered dietitian, I cannot overstate the importance of managing blood glucose levels as a part of an overall balanced diet in adults,” said Erin Palinski-Wade, registered dietitian and BOOST brand partner. “Balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and mindful eating habits play a crucial role in maintaining stable blood sugar levels. The new BOOST Glucose Control Daily Support dietary supplement contains key nutrients to help support healthy glucose levels already within a normal range, and BOOST Glucose Control Mealtime Support dietary supplement contains mulberry leaf extract, which is clinically studied to support a healthy blood glucose response after a meal. By making informed dietary choices and adopting a healthy lifestyle, individuals can take proactive steps to support their metabolic health.”