Company News, Europe, Protein Alternatives

Believer Meats and GEA join forces to scale up cultivated meat production

The partnership focuses on co-developing technologies and processes to improve the unit economics and sustainability of cultivated meat production

Believer Meats, a pioneer in the cultivated meat industry, has signed a strategic partnership agreement with GEA, one of the world’s largest suppliers of production-scale equipment and systems to the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. The partnership focuses on co-developing technologies and processes to improve the unit economics and sustainability of cultivated meat production.

The companies will focus on optimising the performance, efficiency, and environmental impact of cultivated meat production, starting with chicken and expanding to other products. This collaboration will drive advancements in bioreactor technology, perfusion systems, and media rejuvenation while reducing environmental impact through optimised water usage, power consumption, and circular economy initiatives like waste stream utilisation. Together, Believer and GEA aim to lower production costs, streamline technology transfer, and scale operations efficiently to make cultivated meat more affordable and accessible.

“Believer is on track to overcome the biggest obstacles to scalability. By partnering with GEA—one of the world’s foremost engineering and biotech equipment manufacturers—we are taking the next step in innovating state-of-the-art technology and process engineering capabilities needed to produce cultivated meat products at the right cost,” said Gustavo Burger, CEO of Believer. “The partnership with GEA will help maximise production yields efficiently and sustainably, which are top priorities for Believer. The cultivated meat industry is forging a new path that has never been travelled. We are thrilled to partner with GEA and are very optimistic about the future.”

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