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Nestlé unveils new age-adapted growth nutrition blend

The blend is designed for stages one to four of infancy: from four months up to three years of age

Nestlé has launched its new early-life nutrition formula, Nan Supreme Pro with a Sinergity blend. It’s a blend that incorporates a probiotic along with six human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), designed to foster tailored infant development.

Probiotics play a crucial role in nurturing the gut microbiome and enhancing immunity. This is especially vital in infant development. 

Likewise, HMOs, a vital element in breast milk, aid in the progression of intestinal microbiota and bolster the immune system as the child grows. 

“Sinergity is a proprietary blend of age-adapted six HMO and a specific Nestlé proprietary probiotic called B. Infantis LMG11588. In mothers’ milk, HMO profiles change with the time of lactation to suit the needs of the infant,” a Nestlé spokesperson tells Nutrition Insight. 

The blend is designed for stages one to four of infancy: from four months up to three years of age. 

“The benefits of Sinergity include digestive and immune health, bone and muscle development, age-appropriate growth, and cognitive development, all of which contribute to a child’s overall health and well-being both in the short and long-term.” 

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