Tag: Yili

Yili’s Thai subsidiary Cremo ice-cream wins Best Thai FDA Quality Award

The Thai FDA Quality Award evaluation is organised by the Thai Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Public Health, to recognise outstanding enterprises that produce pro-health products, comply with business ethics and fulfil corporate social responsibilities The Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand officially[Read More…]

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Yili invests $42.58 M into new lactoferrin plant in New Zealand

Lactoferrin is a crucial and scarce resource for the dairy industry Yili’s subsidiary Westland Milk Products recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of its NZD 70 million ($42.58 million) lactoferrin plant at Hokitika, New Zealand. The ceremony was attended by New Zealand’s Trade, Export and Agriculture Minister and MP for West-Coast Tasman, Damien O’Connor;[Read More…]

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Yili Participated in the COP27 Panel Discussion on Green Business Practice

The 27th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) was convened in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, drawing worldwide attention. The Centre for International Knowledge on Development of China hosted the Seminar on Clean Energy Development – Accelerating Achievement on Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) at the[Read More…]

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Yili Launches Personal Safety Education Initiative for Girls to Celebrate International Day of the Girl Child

The initiative seeks to raise security awareness and create a safer growing environment for girls.  The International Day of the Girl (IDG), Yili Group, its Cute Star brand and the “Yili Ark” Project, join hands with Western China Human Resources Development Foundation and China Foundation for Rural Development to launch the[Read More…]

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