Tag: korea

Korean Society of Ginseng confirms effects of red ginseng in prevention and improvement of dementia

The research results showed that the group consuming ginseng exhibited higher episodic memory scores (EMS) Through continuous research, the secrets of ginseng, a representative medicinal herb of Korea, are being revealed, showcasing its efficacy. Recently, studies demonstrating the effects of consistent consumption of red ginseng on improving dementia and cognitive[Read More…]

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Korea launches world’s first cooperation channel among senior representatives of food regulatory authorities

Asia-Pacific region takes first step towards global food regulatory cooperation The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) in South Korea recently hosted the 1st Asia-Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit (APFRAS) to discuss regulatory harmonisation and establishment of an international coordination system for the food sector among countries in the[Read More…]

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Samsung picks cultivated meat startup TissenBioFarm for Accelerator Programme in Korea

TissenBioFarm is the world’s first company to develop mass-production technologies for whole-cut cultivated meat TissenBioFarm, a cultivated meat startup based in South Korea, has been selected for the “SAMSUNG Welstory TechUP+” programme. SAMSUNG Welstory and startup accelerator FuturePlay discover and support promising startups in the field of sustainable future food technologies through the programme.[Read More…]

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