Tag: industry

Singapore establishes new programme to drive innovation for food services industry

Creating solutions to help F&B companies optimise their operations ROSS Digital, a local F&B-centric robotics and automation SME, and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore, have established a joint research and innovation programme to drive innovation in robotic platforms for the Food Services industry. This programme[Read More…]

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Indonesian premium chocolate makers eye Australian market

Pipiltin Cocoa and Katalis will work together to identify and promote market opportunities for Indonesian premium cocoa businesses Sweet opportunities for the Indonesian premium chocolate industry abound under a new partnership between Jakarta-based fine chocolate manufacturer Pipiltin Cocoa and Katalis, a business development programme backed by the Australian and Indonesian governments. Pipiltin Cocoa will[Read More…]

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Tackling Singapore’s Food Security: Serving up Solutions for 2023

Achieving food security requires a whole-of-industry approach During the Singapore Budget 2023 announcement, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong highlighted the importance of building a more resilient Singapore. From ensuring that supermarket shelves were well-stocked during the height of the pandemic to securing ample stock of frozen chicken during the Malaysia chicken[Read More…]

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