Tag: cancer

French study says eating more vegetables may cut liver cancer risk by 65%

These findings suggest that public health initiatives aimed at individuals with liver disease should prioritise promoting vegetable consumption A new study published in JHEP Reports underscores the potential protective role of vegetable consumption in reducing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among patients with liver cirrhosis. The research in France[Read More…]

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Inspire Healthcare & Toei Shinyaku unveil supplement for immunity and cancer management

The supplement is available in both granule and tablet forms Inspire Healthcare, a Singaporean healthcare and biotech startup, has teamed up with Toei Shinyaku to unveil a new supplement specifically formulated to boost immunity and as a complement in cancer management. The supplement, ‘King Agaricus 100’, is the result of extensive research and development[Read More…]

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World-first trial highlighting link between alcohol and breast cancer

To increase alcohol literacy and address harmful consumption among midlife and older aged women Monash University, Turning Point and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) in Australia have developed a successful alcohol intervention for women attending breast screening appointments, as part of a world-first trial. Alcohol is a major modifiable risk factor[Read More…]

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Thailand to innovate and enhance well-being with new nutrition drink

To advance nutrition and exemplify commitment to the well-being of Thai consumers O&P Quality Trade Co., a renowned manufacturer and distributor of dietary supplements for hair health care, has signed a transformative Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. The collaboration aims to fuel innovation[Read More…]

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