World News


Japan’s Donki enters Singapore market

apan’s Don Quijote, which is already popular among Asian tourists, has opened its first store in Asia outside of Japan in Singapore under the name “Don Don Donki.” Japan’s Donki is coming to town on hopes that Singaporeans, keen on a bargain, would embrace the discount chain. Japan’s Don Quijote,[Read More…]

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McDonald’s opens its first branch in Hanoi

The restaurant is the first outside of the southern commercial hub Ho Chi Minh City. McDonald’s opened its first branch recently in the historic heart of Hanoi, a conservative city renowned for its traditional and inexpensive Vietnamese staples. People lined up for Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets at the Vietnamese[Read More…]

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Ginnybakes of Miami closed down

The company’s products were made and packaged in Miami. Ginnybakes, maker of cookies, bars, crumbles and baking mixes that were organic, gluten-free and kosher, has closed and is liquidating its assets, court records show. Founded by Ginny Simon of Miami Beach, Ginnybakes looked to be a family business on the[Read More…]

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