Company News, Food, Protein Alternatives, R & D, Start-ups

DairyX paves way to make cow-free protein-rich dairy cheese

The food-tech start-up has developed a method to produce casein proteins that can self-assemble into micelles

DairyX Foods Ltd. announces a major advancement in creating authentic milk proteins without cows, using precision fermentation. The food-tech start-up has developed a method to produce casein proteins that can self-assemble into micelles. Micelles are the primary building blocks of dairy products, such as cheese and yoghurt. 

DairyX has also refined a complementary technology to enhance the gelation of its casein micelles, considered the holy grail of the industry. DairyX’s gelating micelles enable manufacturers to produce firm, stretchy and creamy products using their traditional dairy-making processes.

Consumers can’t resist dairy’s taste and robust health benefits. Casein micelles are key to the appealing sensory profile of dairy products.

DairyX’s precision fermentation technology uses microorganisms (specifically yeast) to produce smart casein proteins. “Not all caseins produced using precision fermentation are alike,” explains Maya Bar-Zeev, PhD, Head of Product Development and Downstream Processing. “We trained yeast to produce the next generation of casein. DairyX’s patent-pending casein is an advanced form created to precisely and effectively organise into micelles.”

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