The decision to choose Singapore as a sales destination was significantly influenced by the presence of home delivery services for frozen goods, which are not yet common in many overseas markets
Japan’s PanforYou, headquartered in Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture, has launched sales of its frozen bread “PANSUKU Box Kyoto” in Singapore, marking its first international venture. The product features bread from a Kyoto bakery.
The decision to choose Singapore as a sales destination was significantly influenced by the presence of home delivery services for frozen goods, which are not yet common in many overseas markets, and the well-established café culture. Additionally, Japan is a popular travel destination among Singapore residents, with many having visited the country before. During the trial sales phase, the PANSUKU Boxes featured bakeries from Gunma, Hokkaido, and Ehime Prefectures. Feedback from customers revealed that many were drawn to the product because they wanted to try bread from a bakery in a city they had visited. This indicated a strong affinity for well-known cities and places associated with personal travel experiences. Based on this insight, the company launched the “PANSUKU Box Kyoto,” featuring bread from bakeries in Kyoto Prefecture, a top-rated tourist destination.