Electric Salt Spoon is a tableware-type device developed based on the concept of life with delicious food for all people to address social issues and consumer needs for low-sodium food taste
Japan’s Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (Kirin) launched a new business in the Health Science domain (Health Science business) a limited offering of 200 units of Electric Salt Spoon, which enhances the salty and umami taste of low-sodium foods with the power of electricity, at its official online store (https://electricsalt.shop.kirin.co.jp/). In addition, a limited number of units will be available at Hands Inc. stores beginning in June.
This tableware-type device is equipped with technology that enhances the salty taste perceived when eating low-sodium foods by approximately 1.5 times 2,3. The technology was developed through joint research with the Meiji University Dr Homei Miyashita Laboratory of the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (Miyashita Laboratory). Through this device, we aim to realise a society where people can deliciously improve their lifestyle.
Electric Salt Spoon is a tableware-type device developed based on the concept of life with delicious food for all people to address social issues and consumer needs for low-sodium food taste.