Australia, Company News, Wellness

Allianz teams up with Foodbank Australia to improve students’ well-being

The partnership will help more than 3,300 students this year, providing over $120,000 in food

Allianz Partners has partnered with Foodbank Australia to help alleviate the burden of financial hardship and food insecurity among international students studying in Australia.

This year Allianz Partners and Foodbank will host seven market-style events on campuses across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. The partnership will help more than 3,300 students this year, providing over $120,000 of food. At each event, international students will be allowed to receive up to $50 worth of food, which could include items such as fresh fruit, vegetables, staples such as pasta and rice, and frozen nutritious ready-made meals.

The partnership follows a report from Monash University (2023), highlighting the financial pressures faced by international students. The study reveals a concerning trend of financial strain, particularly in accessing nutritious food, leading to deteriorating mental and physical well-being across the nation.

Miranda Fennell, Executive Head of Health and International Student Wellbeing Spokesperson, said this partnership is a proactive step towards improving the wellbeing of international students studying in Australia, amid rising hardship.

“The rising cost of living has led international students to rely on charitable organisations to meet their most basic needs, emphasising the need for further support,” Miranda Fennell said.

“We want to ensure the wider international student community is receiving the support they need so they can focus on their education and fully experience living in Australia,” added Fennell.

Foodbank Australia CEO, Brianna Casey said there is a reported correlation between hunger and concentration.

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