Food, Supply chain, World News

Uzbekistan’s fruit and vegetable exports rise in early 2024

During the first months of 2024, Uzbekistan’s fruit and vegetable exports reached 115,500 tonnes, marking a 1.9-fold increase and highlighting the country’s growing role in the global agricultural export market

Uzbekistan has witnessed a significant surge in its fruit and vegetable exports, with 251,200 tons exported in just two months, valued at around $150 million. This represents a notable increase from the same period last year. During the first months of 2024, Uzbekistan’s fruit and vegetable exports reached 115,500 tonnes, marking a 1.9-fold increase and highlighting the country’s growing role in the global agricultural export market.

Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China were the primary markets for Uzbekistan’s agricultural exports, with these nations absorbing a significant portion of the exports. Pakistan was the top importer, accounting for 26.6 per cent of the exports, followed closely by Russia at 26.1 per cent. Kazakhstan and China also played pivotal roles, capturing 9.1 per cent and 9 per cent of the market shares, respectively.

This surge in exports has significantly boosted Uzbekistan’s agricultural sector’s contribution to its export economy, with fruits and vegetables now representing 4.1 per cent of the total exports during the period under review. The increase in export volume underscores Uzbekistan’s competitive advantage in the international market, supported by its favourable climatic conditions and strategic location.

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