Policy and Regulatory

Singapore to become a test bed for food solutions

Image credit- urbanagnews.com

The announcement took place at the 3rd annual Indoor Agriculture Conference (Ag-Con) Asia.

According to Senior Minister of State for National Development and Trade & Industry Koh Poh Koon, Singapore could potentially become a test-bed to develop exportable models for food and agriculture technology (agritech) solutions.

The announcement took place at the 3rd annual Indoor Agriculture Conference (Ag-Con) Asia. He added that the government is currently studying the feasibility of co-locating various food-related industries in a cluster in future.

Beyond this, Dr Koh highlighted that Singapore has also cultivated deep research and development expertise in fields such as biotech and precision engineering, which can help to speed up the development of the precision agriculture and agri-biotech sector.

As new industries may face regulatory hurdles, Dr Koh added that government agencies will work closely with companies to overcome these challenges. 


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