Tag: Sydney

dnata serves culinary delights as inflight caterer joins Sydney’s new 24-hour airport

dnata Catering & Retail (dnata) is investing $17 million to build an advanced inflight catering centre within the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport Sydney’s new 24-hour airport is partnering with Australia’s leading inflight caterer to serve up innovative catering services that harness local produce for domestic and international airlines[Read More…]

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CoCo Bubble Tea expands franchise partner support in Australia

Amid growing interest from Australian small business owners and bubble tea enthusiasts, the brand is offering CoCo Bubble Tea is launching a major expansion of franchise opportunities and support in Australia, to be highlighted at The Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo on August 17-18 in Melbourne (Bay 1-2, Booth No. A2). For the first time, CoCo offers single-store[Read More…]

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Visy commissions Australia’s glass furnace in Sydney

It produces over 800 million glass containers every year in support of Australia’s world-class food and beverage companies like Vegemite, Cottee’s Jam, Toohey’s New and Bundaberg Ginger Beer Visy is now operating Australia’s most energy-efficient glass furnace at its recycling and remanufacturing facility in Sydney. The $150 million state-of-the-art investment[Read More…]

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