Tropic Cool Israel Ltd is establishing Rwanda Berries a commercial-scale berry farm in Rwanda to export to nearby markets in the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia BerryWorld signed a term sheet earlier this month with Tropic Cool Ltd outlining the cooperation between the two companies in the establishment of a world-class commercial berry farm in Rwanda; “Rwanda Berries”. BerryWorld, which[Read More…]
Tag: Rwanda
Lankan firm to get control of Lipton tea estates in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania
The two companies will raise tea quality globally and accelerate the application of responsible farming methods across the industry to drive sustainable growth LIPTON Teas and Infusions announced it has agreed terms of a partnership which will result in the transfer of its tea estates in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania[Read More…]
Countries launch high ambition coalition to transform food systems
Co-chaired by Brazil, Norway and Sierra Leone, the Alliance of Champions for Food Systems Transformation was unveiled in Dubai A group of countries including Brazil, Cambodia, Norway, Rwanda and Sierra Leone launched a high-ambition coalition committed to urgently transforming their – and the world’s – food and land use systems.[Read More…]