Policy and Regulatory, Singapore

Singapore consortium to promote membrane technology for food sector

Image credit- daf.qld.gov.au

Companies who join the consortium will get to manufacture, assemble and test membranes at the facilities of research institutes in Singapore.

The National Research Foundation (NRF) has launched a national consortium, Singapore National Membrane Consortium (SG-MEM) to spur research and adoption of membrane technology into food and beverage areas.

Companies who join the consortium will get to manufacture, assemble and test membranes at the facilities of research institutes in Singapore. SG-MEM will also organise workshops to give research institutes and industry representative the chance to interact.

The consortium will be governed by a steering committee, which will be chaired by Dr Adil Dhalla, managing director of the Separation Technologies Applied Research and Translation (Start) centre at the Nanyang Technological University. It will decide on the direction, strategy and work plan of the consortium.

The consortium will focus on many sectors including water, food and beverage. The membrane technology could be used to concentrate and purify products in food and drink.

SG-MEM will bring together universities, government agencies and companies including multinationals (MNCs), start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to come up with solutions for various sectors.

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