Company News, Europe, Food

ABB announces commercial launch of 3 new raspberry varieties

The addition of these three varieties to ABB’s portfolio of raspberry varieties, enables growers to achieve year-round production

Netherlands-based Advanced Berry Breeding (ABB) is proud to announce the commercial launch of three new varieties – the premium Malaika®, as well as Zawadi and Baridi. These three varieties are set to be showcased at the upcoming Fruit Logistica event in Berlin. This event marks a significant milestone in ABB’s ongoing commitment to innovation in raspberry breeding.

“In the past eight years, we have witnessed the global fresh raspberry market nearly double in size, transforming an acreage race into a more mature, professionalised sector,” says Hubert Gadret, chief executive officer of Advanced Berry Breeding. “As the market continues to evolve and margins become more competitive, the need for innovation becomes paramount.”

The commercial launch of the three tailor-made varieties is more than just a step forward, it’s a leap into uncharted territory. These varieties are breaking away from traditional breeding and cultivation practices and setting a new standard in the raspberry breeding industry.

“The overwhelmingly positive feedback from growers worldwide has reinforced our belief that we are unveiling these innovations at the right time and place. This is a pivotal moment for us and the industry,” adds Gadret.

The addition of these three varieties to ABB’s portfolio of raspberry varieties, enables growers to achieve year-round production, which is a vital factor in today’s dynamic raspberry industry.

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