Company News, Food, Japan, Sustainability

Urchinomics and Japan’s Hokkaido Electric join hands for sea urchin farming

Both companies will consider business models that will contribute to the revitalisation of the business area and local economy to implement a sea urchin farming business in Hokkaido

Urchinomics BV and its Japanese subsidiary Uninomics Co. Ltd and Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. signed a collaboration agreement to jointly consider a sea urchin farming business to address the rocky shore issue in Hokkaido.

In recent years, in addition to rising seawater temperatures and lack of nutrients, seaweed beds have continued to decline due to sea denudation nationwide, due to factors such as sea urchins overeating seaweed beds, and a similar situation is occurring in the coastal areas of Hokkaido.

Seaweed beds foster a rich marine ecosystem protect biodiversity, and are also a source of carbon dioxide absorption and storage through blue carbon, restoring seaweed beds helps restore marine resources and prevent global warming.

Urchinomics has the technology to raise sea urchins in a short period, and with a circular business model that buys, raises, and sells sea urchins that live in rocky areas, it is a new way to raise sea urchins from areas suffering from rocky shores. We will preserve the marine environment and revitalise local fisheries while bringing in industry and speciality products. The Urchinomics model has received high praise worldwide, including being awarded an official recommendation from UNESCO’s United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development.

Going forward, based on this agreement, both companies will consider business models that will contribute to the revitalisation of the business area and local economy to implement a sea urchin farming business in Hokkaido, to solve social issues and realise a zero-carbon Hokkaido.

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