The project will focus on enhancing the marketability of honey products by providing access to certification and forward market linkages
Standard Chartered Bangladesh and BASA Foundation are collaborating to foster environmentally conscious agriculture and apiculture processes. As part of a recently launched initiative, the two organisations will uplift local honey producers and create opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to sell and market honey-related products. By investing in apiculture – which is focused on increasing the local bee population – the Bank is playing a key role in safeguarding our nation’s agriculture sector, as bees are an essential part of the agricultural cycle. Understanding and protecting pollinators is key to supporting healthy ecosystems and sustainable agriculture. The project will also boost nutrition status by adding honey and honey-based products to people’s diets. The Bank will contribute BDT 29 million to implement this joint project, and in doing so, will help to enhance food hygiene and safety; promote job and value creation; increase sustainable mechanisation; safeguard pollination; promote sustainable agriculture; and empower local actors with end-to-end support.
This initiative between Standard Chartered and BASA Foundation focuses on three core goals. The first is to teach approximately 800 honey farmers – both new and old – about honey production, processing essentials, and maintenance of hygiene parameters. The second aim is to build income generation capacity for all beneficiaries via the provision of mechanisation support and quality management tools. Finally, the project will focus on enhancing the marketability of honey products by providing access to certification and forward market linkages. Beyond these goals, the project will also provide individuals with beekeeping boxes, comb foundation sheet machines, honey extractors, honey processing machines, and food-grade containers for storage and preservation. Branding and marketing support will also be extended to all participants.