Company News, Food, Ingredients, Sustainability, Taiwan

Ubiquity Sprouting Corporation announces peanut sprout growing facility in Taiwan

This innovative facility operates with minimal energy, using only water for cultivation

Ubiquity Sprouting Corporation (USC) pioneers Sustainable Peanut Sprout Cultivation with a Groundbreaking Facility in Taiwan.

USC announced the opening of a groundbreaking facility in Taiwan focused on producing peanut sprouts, with an impressive daily output of 1,000 kilograms. USC aims to lead the industry by becoming the first to cultivate peanut sprouts on a large scale using organic methods without any chemical agents.

This innovative facility operates with minimal energy, using only water for cultivation. Remarkably, peanut sprouts grow 3.5 times their weight in just five days. USC has developed this cost-effective technology to expand production rapidly, overcoming challenges often seen in traditional methods, such as bacterial and fungal issues. Professor Chiu, known as Taiwan’s ‘King of Peanuts,’ confirms that peanuts affected by these contaminants struggle to sprout.

Peanut sprouts are a veritable boon for health, boasting an abundance of resveratrol – a compound with concentrations 100 times greater than in peanuts, and with significantly lower fat content. Peer-reviewed studies have attributed a multitude of health benefits to Resveratrol, ranging from anti-ageing to cardioprotection and beyond, underscoring its substantial life-extending potential.

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