- SFA Supporting the aquaculture sector to transform into one that is highly productive, climate-resilient and resource-efficient through the use of technology and adopting appropriate farm management methods
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is committed to building the capability and capacity of our agri-food industry. We will continue to support our farmers to increase productivity, while ensuring that local production remains climate-resilient and resource-efficient. SFA will do so through various means such as facilitating long-term investments to increase production, encouraging demand for local produce, and providing funding support.
2 Fish is a commonly consumed source of protein that can be grown locally in a productive and sustainable manner. Singapore’s farms play an important role in strengthening our food security as local production mitigates our reliance on imports and serves as a buffer during supply disruptions from import sources, an increasing concern amid climate change. SFA will support sea-based farms to invest in their future.
3 SFA plans to uplift the local aquaculture industry through our Singapore Aquaculture Plan. Strategies include:
• Unlocking new spaces through new sea space tenders and longer leases;
• Supporting the aquaculture sector to transform into one that is highly productive, climateresilient and resource-efficient through the use of technology and adopting appropriate farm management methods, including conducting environmental surveys and water and seabed quality surveys to better inform farm management;
• Supporting research and innovation for sustainable tropical marine aquaculture through leveraging on SFA’s Marine Aquaculture Centre.