Australia, News

Australia’s Magic Valley to launch slaughter-free alternative for farmed meat

Image Source : Magic valley

Magic Valley today announced the launch of the world’s first cultured lamb company, in Melbourne, Australia.

Quickly gaining attention globally, cultured meat offers a safe, healthy and delicious slaughter-free alternative to traditionally farmed meat.

Founded by passionate vegan Paul Bevan, Magic Valley brings together a team of Australia’s leading scientists with extensive experience in both stem cell biology and livestock production.

Magic Valley is a cultured meat business based in Melbourne, Australia. Magic Valley is producing a range of lamb products using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) without any Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) or animal products whatsoever.

Cultured meat is produced from a small sample of animal cells which are grown in a nutrient-rich culture medium where they can easily multiply and expand in order to create real meat products.

When compared to traditionally farmed meat, it is estimated that cultured meat will also result in a 96% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a 99% reduction in land use and a 96% reduction in water use.

Magic Valley is currently raising a seed round from investors to complete their prototype development with the first products expected to be available on shelves in the next 1-2 years.

Mr Bevan said that Magic Valley’s initial focus will be on developing the world’s first cultured lamb products including mince, strips, steaks and chops.

“Given Australia’s excellent reputation for food safety, security and producing quality sheep, lamb was the obvious choice for the company’s first product range. Not to mention the fact that lambs are also currently slaughtered at an incredibly young age using traditional farming methods. Magic Valley’s cultured meat products will now provide Australians with a slaughter-free alternative to factory-farmed lamb.”

Consumers worldwide are also set to benefit from this amazing development in food technology with the company planning to expand throughout China, greater Asia, the US and the Middle East.

Driven by intensive animal farming practices, the global sheep and lamb meat industry is currently valued at AUD $125 billion (USD $96.5 billion).

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