Dietary Supplements, Singapore

DSM launches faster-acting form of Vit D in Asia Pacific

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ampli-D will be released in Singapore next, followed by global markets

To address global concerns and needs in supporting immune health more effectively, Royal DSM, a purpose-led global science-based company in nutrition, health, and sustainable living, recently announced the launch of ampli-D, a fast-acting form of vitamin D for dietary supplements in Asia Pacific, with Australia as the first market. ampli-D will be released in Singapore next, followed by global markets.

ampli-D is calcifediol (25-hyrdoxyvitamin D3), a common form of vitamin D found in the human body and blood stream. Research and clinical studies have shown calcifediol to be three to five times more effective than the standard vitamin D3.

Following approval by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), ampli-D is available as an ingredient to manufacturers of health supplements. In addition, DSM has also launched its own dietary supplement product with ampli-D in tablet form for Australian consumers, branded as FORTARO. 

Vitamin D is typically obtained through sunlight, diet and supplements but many people don’t realise that they don’t get enough and quickly enough. With today’s concerns on health and well-being, vitamin D is an essential micronutrient that helps to enhance immune system function, and emerging scientific evidence supports the important role of vitamin D in the body’s response in resolving and lowering the risk of acute respiratory tract infections.


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