This natural raw coffee bean ingredient delivers sustained caffeine release, whereas caffeinated beverages such as coffee or energy drinks often provide a short-term peak of heightened alertness.
The functional whole green coffee powder (WGCP) from Taiyo, derived from raw coffee beans using a patented technology, improves both mental focus and concentration for up to 6-8 hours, helps to reduce and stabilize blood glucose levels and can act as an appetite suppressant.
Compared with coffee extracts, WGCP powder contains caffeine and a wide variety of other valuable coffee bean components, such as chlorogenic acids, antioxidants, minerals and dietary fibres.
This natural raw coffee bean ingredient delivers sustained caffeine release, whereas caffeinated beverages such as coffee or energy drinks often provide a short-term peak of heightened alertness.
Taiyo’s WGCP offers a continuous supply of caffeine for a period of 6-8 hours without the associated side-effects of jitters, a rapid heartbeat and the well-known “boom and bust” phenomenon. Conventional energy drinks have often been criticized for their immediate caffeine boost and subsequent period of fatigue.
Because of its sustained caffeine release, WGCP is suitable for natural and gentle energy products. And, as well as concentration or endurance and performance positioning, it can also be marketed as a weight management ingredient owing to its appetite suppressing effect.
Developed in collaboration with physicians, WGCP’s efficacy has been demonstrated in clinical studies and, as the ingredient is vegan, free from gluten and non-GMO, it meets current consumer demands.