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After-harvest fruit processing centre to be established by Pagoda and AgroFresh in China

Source: Pixabay

Both companies have agreed to invest in the project and jointly research a solution that will address the difficulties of processing fruit after harvest

In order to establish an after-harvest processing centre for fruit in China, Chinese fruit retail chain Pagoda has signed a cooperative agreement with US-based AgroFresh.

Both companies have agreed to invest in the project and jointly research a solution that will address the difficulties of processing fruit after harvest.

By establishing the new processing centre, both companies intend to minimise damage to fruit during transit and storage periods, as well as restore freshness and quality. 

AgroFresh anticipates that the new partnership with Pagoda will enable the company to further enhance its R&D capabilities for processing harvested fruit.

AgroFresh is the owner of the patented SmartFresh, a smart quality system that has been designed to preserve fruits using 1- methylcyclopropene (1- MCP).

This technology helps to keep fruit fresh by acting as a barrier to ethylene from internal and external sources, which can cause fruit to ripen.

The patented technology also maintains the thickness, veins and appearance of fruit during transportation and storage.

SmartFresh is currently being used in more than 40 countries worldwide to preserve fruit, vegetables and plants.

Apart from holding the largest fruit retail chain in China, Pagoda also possesses its own plantations, technologies and research and development centres.



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