World News

DuPont working with to Increase Global Access to Safe Water

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Collaborating on Sustainable Water Solutions for People Living in Poverty

DuPont and have partnered to increase global access to safe water, with a focus on communities most vulnerable to the consequences of water scarcity. The partnership combines DuPont’s technical leadership in water filtration and purification solutions with’s expertise in pioneering market-driven financial solutions to the global water crisis.

The organizations intend to collaborate on ways to innovate and deploy climate-resilient, sustainable water solutions that can scale to people living in poverty.

“This partnership is based in the shared belief that solving the water crisis is possible within our lifetimes,” said Gary White, Co-founder of “Our team looks forward to working with DuPont to uncover new opportunities to leverage technology to empower people in need with the water and sanitation solutions they need to survive and thrive.”

As a start, DuPont awarded an initial grant to provide 100,000 people with one year of access to safe water or improved sanitation, in areas facing water scarcity and climate challenges in the countries where works. This includes India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mexico, Brazil, and Peru.  The funding supports’s solution, WaterCredit, that breaks down the financial barriers between people living in poverty and access to safe water and sanitation.

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