Policy and Regulatory, Singapore

SFA & SLA jointly launched tender for food fish farming

Image Source: Pexels.com

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and Singapore Land Authority (SLA) jointly launched a Price-Quality (PQ) tender for food fish farming at a State land parcel at the east of Pulau Ketam. The island is located at the south of Pulau Ubin.

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and Singapore Land Authority (SLA) jointly launched a Price-Quality (PQ) tender for food fish farming at a State land parcel at the east of Pulau Ketam. The island is located at the south of Pulau Ubin. 

The State land parcel can be used for the cultivation of fish larvae, production of fish fingerlings and maintaining broodstock for production of eggs. The tender is part of SFA’s strategy to optimise the use of sea space for food production and raise fish production in line with Singapore’s “30 by 30” goal 

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