World News

New color sorter installed at Muntons

Courtesy- Pixabay

The color sorting process will enable Muntons to process and clean deliveries of malting barley which would otherwise have been simply rejected.

Muntons is the first maltster in the UK to invest in a color sorter to help overcome contamination issues with malting barley deliveries.

The company has invested £600,000 purchasing and installing a state-of-the-art color sorter. This device is able to detect and remove contaminants from cereal deliveries and will significantly reduce wasted lorry journeys through rejections at their maltings.

Color sorters use LED lighting and special cameras to detect any foreign material and the data is quickly analyzed by dedicated software and the rejected material is ejected and collected separately from the cereals.

The color sorting process will enable Muntons to process and clean deliveries of malting barley which would otherwise have been simply rejected. This not only reduces truck movements but means that the farmer will still be able to sell their load as premium quality malting barley instead of having to find alternative used for the contaminated material.

Muntons are a leading global player in the supply of malts, malt extracts, flours and flakes and many other malted ingredients relevant to the food and drinks industry exporting around half of its production. In addition, Muntons also manufacture an extensive range of beer, wine and cider making kits, which are also sold globally.

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