
Bangladesh Agricultural University opens course in food safety

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing financial assistance to the program.

The Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) will soon be accepting students in a new undergraduate course on Food Safety Management.

The university will be partnering with the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the Dublin Institute of Technology to train a new generation of food safety experts in the course.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing financial assistance to the program.

The new programme has been developed to dynamically keep pace with innovations in the food sector and flexibly adapt to developments in food control.

BAU Vice-Chancellor Prof Md Ali Akbar stated that the new BSc course will deliver a tailored and proportionate approach to food business compliance, including ensuring that government resources focus on those areas that pose the greatest risk to public health.

FAO’s Representative in Bangladesh Dr Sue Lautze said that choosing to specialise in food safety is probably one of the smartest career investments a student can pursue in Bangladesh. The public and private sector demand for this specialization will continue to outpace supply for the foreseeable future.

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