By implementing Veolia’s technologies at its plant in Wuxi, Danone Nutricia will be able to save on water consumption and improve water usage efficiency.
Veolia Water Technologies China Industrial has signed a contract to provide China-based Nutricia Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Danone Nutricia) with a turnkey solution for water purification.
By implementing Veolia’s technologies at its plant in Wuxi, Danone Nutricia will be able to save on water consumption and improve water usage efficiency. Veolia’s technologies for Danone Nutricia will allow it to expand its purified water capacity by up to 88 per cent and save over 85,000 cubic metres of water each year.
Danone and Veolia had formed an innovative alliance to optimise the management of natural resources in 2015. The strategic partnership covers all aspects of the water cycle, waste management, sustainable agriculture and energy efficiency. This project in Wuxi, China, is a contribution towards better water management at Danone’s production sites.
The main component of Veolia’s turnkey solution will be a 15 tonne/hr reverse osmosis (RO) system, combined with a multimedia filter, softener, activated carbon filter and continuous electrodeionisation (CEDI) technologies. Another key benefit of the Veolia solution is its suitability for the space constraints within the Nutricia plant.