China, Plant Based

New clean-label plant-based chicken launches in China

Made with proprietary extrusion technology that results in a rich fibrous structure

Haofood, a startup with presence in China and Singapore, has announced its latest innovation- Carefree Pulled Chickless, a clean-label plant-based chicken that is available in China now. Clean-label products are made without extra added artificial additives, preservatives, thickeners, water retention agent, colourings, flavourings and MSG.

Haofood recently conducted consumer studies in China to understand the preferences for sustainable protein sources and found that the top three obstacles to incorporating plant-based meat into daily diets are taste, the presence of additives in product ingredients, and cost. In response, Haofood created Carefree Pulled Chickless to address these challenges and provide a taste-centric, additive-free and affordable solution.

Carefree Pulled Chickless is produced through proprietary extrusion technology that results in a rich fibrous structure and high quality of the texturised product. The primary ingredient, peanut, naturally contains a high level of aspartic and glutamic acid, common amino acids which creates a umami taste and making food taste good. Common household kitchen ingredients such as salt, pepper, chilli powder, cumin, clove and ginger have also been used to enhance the flavour of the clean-label plant-based chicken. 

“Similar to many other lifestyle essentials such as cosmetics, the plant-based food industry requires constant R&D as great quality of product is the key to keep consumers interested in protein alternatives. We are glad that Haofood listens well to consumers’ aspiration and respond wisely through developing and launching the clean-label plant-based chicken to the market. This clean-label product is exactly what our industry needs now,” shared Larry Lee, Founder & CEO of China Plant Based Food Association.

Image credit- prnewswire

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