FlavorSum Modulate includes FMPs for alcohol, bakery, beverage, cannabis and dairy and non-dairy applications
FlavorSum, a North American flavour producer, is expanding its solutions portfolio to include flavours with modulating properties (FMPs). FMPs help address specific taste challenges in foods and beverages. The new flavour systems can mask bitterness, enhance mouthfeel, and mitigate off-notes in food and beverage products.
FlavorSum developed dozens of readily available FMPs for food and beverage brands to incorporate into reformulated or innovative products. FlavorSum Modulate includes FMPs for alcohol, bakery, beverage, cannabis, and dairy and non-dairy applications.
“Our flavorists understand the complexity of product development, especially as interest in functional and low-sugar foods and beverages continues to grow,” says Ibrahima Faye, Director of Flavor Development R&D. “The FlavorSum Modulate portfolio fits with many applications, helping brands deliver desired taste profiles while aligning with label goals.”
Three new web resources, Bitterness Maskers, Protein Maskers, and Sweetness Optimization, provide trends and insights about the role of FMPs when formulating with protein, functional ingredients, and reduced sugar. Food and beverage companies can use these webpages to determine which FMP solutions may be best for their product, and request samples from FlavorSum’s R&D team.