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Egg Innovations set to introduce in-ovo technology

By utilising this in-ovo sexing technology, Egg Innovations will be able to implement practices for more humane egg production that avoid the practice of male chick culling

As the continuous leader in animal welfare within the egg industry, Egg Innovations has committed to furthering its mission by being the first U.S.-based company committed to implementing in-ovo sexing technology to populate their family farms. Introducing in-ovo sexing, which is only available in Europe today, Egg Innovations is determined to be the catalyst to help eliminate chick culling within the American egg industry.

John Brunnquell, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Egg Innovations, states, “Humane care is the ethos in which Egg Innovations was founded. Humane care is centric of our mission, and this commitment to in-ovo sexing is a huge step as we will be able to label our products ‘free of chick culling.’ While it’s unknown if the market is ready to embrace this, we know it’s the right thing to do. We are excited to trailblaze with this technology in the U.S. for the well-being of our products, customers, and industry.”

By utilising this in-ovo sexing technology, Egg Innovations will be able to implement practices for more humane egg production that avoids the practice of male chick culling. While Egg Innovations’ present practices for raising chickens with higher welfare standards start with young hens at a day of life, this commitment allows them to extend the company’s humane care mission to the egg before hatching. This is a true integration of a more ethical life cycle for egg production as Egg Innovations extends their commitment to “Chickens. People. Planet.” Egg Innovations plans to utilise its regenerative farming Helpful Hens™ brand as the vehicle to introduce this ethical commitment to egg consumers nationwide in 2025.

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