Company News, Cultured Meat, Singapore

Eat Just faces production issues with cultivated meat in Singapore

Eat Just has been operating its cell-based meat unit in Singapore since November 2020

US-based alternative protein manufacturer, Eat Just, has been facing production issues with its cultivated meat in Singapore. The company’s cell-based meat arm, Good Meat, has stopped selling cultured chicken to diners at Hubers Bistro in the country, according to local media.

The company declined to comment on when it stopped selling cultivated meat at Huber’s Bistro. Additionally, the production facility, originally expected to open in 2023 and located in eastern Singapore, is also not yet operational. Eat Just has been operating its cell-based meat unit in Singapore since November 2020, when it became the first company globally to be granted regulatory approval for the sale and distribution of cultivated chicken by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).

In January 2023, it was given the green light to use its “serum-free media” in production in Singapore, bringing it closer to achieving price parity with traditional meat. Good Meat’s products were cleared for sale by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in June 2021, alongside another local peer, Upside Foods. Eat Just also secured funding from the non-profit group Ahimsa Foundation in the same year, which was to be used to “continue improving the quality and profitability of its products.”

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