Company News, Middle East, Technology

ADAFSA launches early warning platform ‘Jahaziya’

Jahaziya caters to risk management, business continuity, occupational health and safety standards, a rapid alert system, and an alternative national service management system

The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has launched a new platform called ‘Jahaziya’. This platform is aimed at managing risks and crises, as well as providing early warning systems for health risks related to humans, animals, and plants. The platform operates under the framework of One Health, which is a holistic approach to health that considers the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health.

The platform’s goal is to create a comprehensive environment that helps with risk management, ensuring business continuity, as well as crisis and emergency management, and global communications. This is achieved by integrating and connecting with both internal systems and external applications used by ADAFSA. The integration extends to collaborating with local, regional, and international strategic partners. The platform also automates response plans for significant risks at both the Emirate and country levels, catering to the demands of emergencies, crises, and daily events, including exercises, to uphold business continuity.

Jahaziya is a comprehensive framework that enables the prediction of potential risks. It provides an integrated platform that enables early detection and proactive measures to be taken, addressing incidents related to food safety, animal epidemics, common diseases, agricultural pests, disease vectors, and chemical contaminants on a global scale. Additionally, Jahaziya caters to risk management, business continuity, occupational health and safety standards, a rapid alert system, and an alternative national service management system.

Saeed Al Bahri Al Ameri, Director General of ADAFSA, highlighted that the ‘Jahaziya’ system promptly analyses worldwide data and international alerts regarding health risks. It categorises these risks, pinpointing the most critical areas and formulating proactive strategies that guarantee adaptability and seamless handling of diverse challenges tied to ADAFSA’s operations. These challenges encompass outbreaks and illnesses impacting humans, animals, and plants, as well as logistical or climatic disturbances affecting food supply chains.

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