China, Company News, Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals

DrGo launches DrGo Me+ personalised nutritional supplement pack

Handy packets tailored with professional health surveys to address daily nutritional needs

Hong Kong-based DrGo, HKT’s one-stop telemedicine platform, announced the launch of DrGo Me+, an innovative personalised nutritional supplement pack. Based on advice from professional nutritionists and pharmaceutical bodies, DrGo Me+ puts together customised nutritional supplements in handy daily packets and delivers them directly to the user’s doorstep. DrGo Me+ revolutionises the concept of bespoke healthcare, providing users with a more convenient and tailored approach to a healthy lifestyle. DrGo Me+ packages the supplements into personalised daily packs according to daily requirements before dispatching them to the user’s designated location in Hong Kong. With just one pack a day or to take as needed, users can effortlessly meet their nutritional supplement needs, sparing them from the hassle of storing and carrying multiple bottles while helping to reduce the chance of missing doses, hence helping to reap the most benefits from the supplements.

Teresa Ng, Chief Commercial Officer of DrGo, said, “The consumption of health supplements as a means to enhance one’s wellbeing has become a growing trend. Even the younger members of the workforce are seeking nutritional supplements to improve their physical health and augment their work performance. Yet the market is overflowing with a bewildering variety of such products, often making it difficult for consumers to find products that genuinely cater to their health needs. They may also realise, only after consumption that the product has fallen short of their expectations. Professional guidance is rarely sought prior to making such purchases. DrGo Me+ aims to address these challenges by empowering users with an understanding of their personal nutritional needs with professional guidance. From the comfort of their homes, users can access nutritional supplements tailored to their personal health needs conveniently and efficiently.”

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