Australia, Policy and Regulatory, Sustainability, Wellness

Australia releases national strategy to tackle eating disorders 

It will help guide policies, programs and services to better support people with eating disorders across Australia over the next 10 years

A national strategy developed by the eating disorder sector was released and will help guide policies, programs and services to better support people with eating disorders across Australia over the next 10 years.
Developed by the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC), the National Eating Disorders Strategy 2023–2033 (Strategy) will provide a roadmap for all Governments and the health and community sectors to progress reform.
The Strategy outlines the key components that should be available in an effective system of care for eating disorders. It sets the minimum standards required and the actions needed to achieve an effective and coordinated system of care that meets the needs of people living with or at risk of eating disorders.
The NEDC consulted extensively during the Strategy’s development to ensure it reflects the varied insights of people with lived and living experience, clinicians, researchers, service providers, public health experts and governments.

Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care said, “Our Government looks forward to working collaboratively with the state and territory governments and the health and community sectors to implement real and meaningful reform to better prevent and treat eating disorders.

“This strategy builds on the Albanese Government’s $70 million investment for innovative programs to research and treat mental ill-health and eating disorders.”

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