New Zealand, Packaging, Suppliers, Technology

Amcor to buy New Zealand-based Moda Systems for production-ready fresh protein packaging solution

To offer new option and choice in automated protein packaging

Switzerland-headquartered Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire New Zealand-based Moda Systems, a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art, automated protein packaging machines.

Moda Systems designs, assembles, and supports innovative, high-performance modular vacuum packaging solutions for the meat, poultry, and dairy industries. The acquisition will complement Amcor’s existing strength in film, positioning the company to offer an end-to-end packaging solution that encompasses primary packaging, equipment, on-site technical service, and parts.

Moda’s rotary vacuum system improves operational efficiencies for protein producers, enabling them to optimise labour, improve safety, and reduce waste. The system is designed for ease of use in connecting, operating, maintaining, and cleaning and improves throughput and quality. Combined with Amcor’s portfolio of meat, poultry, seafood, and cheese shrink packaging options, this new solution is expected to further enhance the value Amcor delivers to protein producers.

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