Company News

Dilmah announces complete carbon neutral status


Dilmah looks towards new avenues of increasing resource and energy efficiency through research and development projects, in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint.

Dilmah, a Sri Lankan family tea company, with a market presence in over a hundred countries, announced its complete carbon neutral status for its products, early this year. The inauguration of two mini-hydropower stations at Dilmah’s tea estate in Queensberry and Craighead will commemorate the company’s voyage into becoming a complete carbon neutral product.

With a capacity to generate a total of 1.5 million units of electricity each year, the two hydropower stations will contribute towards the company’s carbon neutral journey — making it yet another innovative venture in Dilmah’s commitment to the environment and sustainability.

Dilmah which is driven by a philosophy of making business a matter of human service initiated a unique reforestation project was started early last year to create a nature corridor. Founder, Merrill J. Fernando, uprooted the tea plants at the hundred-year-old Endana tea garden to connect 24 ha of fragmented forests across the tea estate, dedicating Dilmah’s tea lands to the preservation of endangered biological wealth found in the neighbouring landscapes.

Dilmah also looks towards new avenues of increasing resource and energy efficiency through research and development projects, in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint.

Dilmah is also applying biochar at its tea fields, to rejuvenate the agricultural lands and also to help in carbon sequestration.

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