World News

Ginnybakes of Miami closed down


The company’s products were made and packaged in Miami.

Ginnybakes, maker of cookies, bars, crumbles and baking mixes that were organic, gluten-free and kosher, has closed and is liquidating its assets, court records show.

Founded by Ginny Simon of Miami Beach, Ginnybakes looked to be a family business on the rise. Husband Steven Simon, a former attorney, ran operations, and son Michael also worked in the business. The company’s products were made and packaged in Miami.

But the company’s website has been taken down. No note to customers was left on the company’s Facebook page, which was taken down by too.

A civil court document filed on Oct. 2 in the 11th Judicial Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County showed the company was in debt for about $3.68 million, and had designated Kenneth A. Welt as the assignee for the creditors in the liquidation. An auction of its equipment and company van took place Nov. 17. The Simons did not respond to a request for comment.

Ginny Simon launched Ginnybakes in 2010 with its first products, which were baking mixes made of organic ingredients. The mompreneur and mother of four sons said she wanted to create snack foods that were both healthier and tasty.

Also in 2014, Ginny, Steve and son Michael Simon were selected as high-impact Endeavor Entrepreneurs, which means they would be mentored and supported by a global network of business experts. Endeavor, a nonprofit supporting entrepreneurship, helped the company build an advisory board, and offered access to experts in the food industry.

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