Company News

Megmilk to launch string cheese in Taiwan


Megmilk produces and sells natural and processed cheese products in Indonesia and Australia through joint ventures and other means.

Japanese dairy company Megmilk Snow Brand will launch its mainstay “sakeru” (a Japanese term for split) cheese in Taiwan with an eye to expanding sales to other Asian markets, touting the high quality of its products.

Japanese dairy companies usually do not export cheese products directly from Japan. Megmilk produces and sells natural and processed cheese products in Indonesia and Australia through joint ventures and other means.

Megmilk launched pilot sales of string cheese in Taiwan at the end of last year. Given favorable reaction from local consumers, it has decided to market it fully.

The company already has high market share in Taiwan with its baby formula. Thanks to the popularity of foods from Hokkaido, the northernmost Japanese island where the company’s factories are, Megmilk is also gaining recognition. It hopes to use existing sales channels to market string cheese.

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