World News

Grupo LALA signs license pact with Blue Diamond Growers


Blue Diamond Growers will source almond-based raw materials and provide its technical and quality-oriented expertise with benefit of Blue Diamond’s industry-leading almond based innovation.

Grupo LALA, a Mexican Company focused on healthy and nutritious foods has entered into a multi-year license agreement with Blue Diamond Growers, to market and distribute Blue Diamond Almond Breeze® almond-based beverages in Mexico. Blue Diamond Growers is the world’s leading almond marketer and processor.

As part of this relationship, Blue Diamond Growers will source almond-based raw materials and provide its technical and quality-oriented expertise with benefit of Blue Diamond’s industry-leading almond based innovation. Grupo LALA will provide local and regional market knowledge while leveraging its production and distribution capabilities.

Blue Diamond Almond Breeze® will coexist with Grupo LALA’s Vita Almendras beverage, which has a different formulation and product positioning. The products will enable LALA to participate in two different market segments; Blue Diamond Almond Breeze® expansion into the premium market and Soy Vita to address the mainstream, value market.

The initial product launch is expected in the first quarter of 2019.

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