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NutriFusion announces partnership with Drink Todo

Nutrient-rich blends sourced from fruits and vegetables add to a breakfast replacement drink already packed with fibre and protein

NutriFusion, creator of concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends sourced from fruits and vegetables, announced that it has been selected as a supplier of choice by Drink Todo, a full meal replacement drink that features the ultimate pairing of delicious taste and essential nutrition and designed to support a healthy, faced-paced lifestyle.

A silky-smooth breakfast smoothie created to replace breakfast, todo provides prebiotics, adaptogens and antioxidants, is filled with fibre, and offers a milk base of 25g of complete protein, fully devoid of artificial sweeteners or added sugar. The drink’s fibre comes from various fruits and vegetables, including spinach, broccoli, kale, pumpkin, chlorella, sweet potato, cranberries, shiitake maitake mushrooms and sunflower seeds. With this, tapping into the unbeatable nutritious value of NutriFusion’s 21 fruit and vegetable blends – all natural and GMO-free – is the perfect fit.

“Establishing a relationship with todo is an exciting opportunity, as we are very strategic in the partnerships we pursue and know there is a great deal that we, as allies in good health, can accomplish,” said William Grand, co-founder and CEO of NutriFusion. “Our unflinching goal is to make a significant impact on the world by bringing our unique blends to the forefront, and by aligning with todo, we are doing even more to make that happen.”

In addition to its notable amount of fibre and protein, todo provides 57 per cent of your recommended daily intake of calcium and 21 per cent of your recommended daily intake of iron, not to mention that it’s an active source of support in efforts around weight loss, muscle building and recovery and gut health.

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