Company News, Ingredients, Japan, Sustainability

Nagase Viita receives Platinum rating for sustainability from EcoVadis

Nagase Viita received a Gold rating in 2022 and a Silver rating in 2023

Nagase Viita Co., Ltd., a NAGASE Group member headquartered in Okayama, Japan, has received the highest Platinum rating in a sustainability survey conducted by EcoVadis SAS of France, one of the world’s most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings for global supply chains. The Platinum rating is awarded to companies that score in the top 1 per cent of all eligible companies.

EcoVadis assesses suppliers operating in 180+ countries across 220+ industries, and assessment results are tested on over 130,000 companies. EcoVadis conducts objective examinations and assessments of companies’ sustainability through independent reviews and analyses, scoring the performance of a company’s policies, actions and results, in four sustainability themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Nagase Viita received a Gold rating in 2022 and a Silver rating in 2023.

In this latest examination, the company increased its scores in the areas of environmental policy and implementation measures, labour and human rights policy, and sustainable procurement policy, actions, and results. In addition, Nagase Viita was also recognised for its “use of eco-friendly or bio-based input materials,” the assessment results of which led to its “Platinum” rating this time around.

Nagase Viita is committed to the wider aim of contributing to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to realise a sustainable society through its business activities. Encouraged by this Platinum rating, Nagase Viita will continue to promote measures to resolve social issues, improve its corporate value and continue to be sought after by its stakeholders.

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