Europe, Policy and Regulatory, Supply chain

European Commission gathers views from all stakeholders in food supply chain

Farmers and their associations raised concerns about the prevalence of unfair practices within the food supply chain

The European Commission is calling farmers and all smaller suppliers across the food supply chain to share their views on their experience with unfair trading practices. A survey is currently available online in all EU languages until 15 March 2024. During the recent weeks, farmers and their associations raised concerns about the prevalence of unfair practices within the food supply chain. By participating in the survey, farmers and smaller suppliers can express their concerns and share their experiences with unfair trading practices. After presenting options for simplification to reduce the burden for EU farmers, the Commission is also working on actions to improve the position of farmers in the food chain and to improve the enforcement against unfair trading practices.

The survey, managed jointly by the Joint Research Centre and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission, specifically targets EU farmers and smaller suppliers operating within the agricultural and food supply chain, covering various stages of production and distribution. Respondents can share whether they have experienced unfair trading practices lately from buyers economically stronger.

Before a product reaches the consumer, several market participants take part in the food supply chain (producers, processors, retailers, etc.) and add to its value and impact on the final price paid by the consumer. The abuse of bargaining power between different operators in the supply chain may sometimes lead to unfair trading practices that can have harmful effects.

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